Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine - Ballarat Central






  • $185 INITIAL 50 mins (Acupuncture/ Nutritional Medicine eBooklet (Recipe Booklet)/ Chinese herbal medicine Ax/ Nutritional Medicine Ax)

  • $98 REPEAT 50 mins (Acupuncture & Review)


  • $98 Per Session: 50 mins (Acupuncture)

  • $40 surcharge for outside practice hours/ weekend service


  • $175 INITIAL 50 mins (Acupuncture)

  • $98 REPEAT 50 mins (Acupuncture)

BREECH BABY ACUPUNCTURE (7-14 Day Home Treatment Package)

  • $195 50 mins (Including home treatment package)

DIGESTIVE/ LEAKY GUT/ AUTOIMMUNE/ GENERAL MEDICINE / CHRONIC DISEASE (4 - 8 weekly sessions with 2 x fortnightly session and monthly sessions)

  • $185 INITIAL 50 mins (Acupuncture/ Nutritional Medicine eBooklet with recipes/ Chinese herbal medicine Ax/ Nutritional Medicine Ax)

  • $98 REPEAT 50 mins (Acupuncture & Review)

  • RETURN PATIENT (New complaint or past 12 months post last appointment/ review) $185 50mins

  • RETURN PATIENT (Same condition with last appointment 9-12 months last review) $165 50 mins

NB: All new patients with Autoimmune/ complex history presentations are offered INITIAL appointment times on Monday & Thursday 11.30am ONLY. No evening appointments are offered as additional time is required. Sickness certificates can be provided for work/ other. Evening appointments can then be offered following initial appointment, if available.


$230 INITIAL 40 mins (Telehealth 1:1 Consultation/Chinese herbal medicine Ax/ Nutritional Medicine Ax)/Nutritional Medicine eBooklet with recipes.

$85 FOLLOW UP 15 mins (Telehealth 1:1 Consultation/ Chinese herbal medicine Ax/ Nutritional Medicine Ax).

NOTE: Telehealth is recommended for interstate patients &/ or patients unable to physically attend the clinic.

COSMETIC ACUPUNCTURE: Use of single-use, disposable fine Japanese Acupuncture pins, includes body treatment.

  • $150 Per session 50 mins (Acupuncture)


  • $165 Initial 50 mins (Acupuncture/ Nerve Stimulation Therapy/ Cupping)

  • $98 Repeat 50 mins (Acupuncture/ Nerve Stimulation Therapy/ Cupping)

RETURN OF LONG-TERM PATIENTS (If NO CLINIC appointments longer than 12 months/ NO TELEHEALTH longer than 6 months - please read as below information will apply):


Patients that have not been seen in the clinic for over 12 months will require full initial consult/ review ($185/ 50 mins) due to body changes/ differential diagnosis likely altered during this time. (Fee includes Whole Body Assessment/ Review & Acupuncture).


Patients that have not completed 4 in-clinic sessions/ have not been seen in the clinic for over 3 months &/ or have not had any telehealth appointments for 3 months or longer will require 10 minute ($85) Telehealth Consult to meet TGA requirement for prescriptions/ medicines to be dispensed.

Please visit this website to make an Initial Consultation/ Review for existing patients.


Medicare &  Private Heath Rebates available on selected services.

DISPENSE FEES (applies outside appointments):

$15: Chinese Medicine patent pills/ or Nutritional Medicine collections

$19: Chinese Medicine herbal medicine prescription collections

$25: Combined Chinese herbal Medicine & Nutritional Medicine/ &/ or Chinese patent pill collections


Nutritional Medicine

Nutritional Medicines are supplements based on high therapeutic dosages of naturally occurring vitamins and minerals found in the body and high therapeutic dosage of Western herbal and medicinal food sources.

Nutritional Medicine supplements: Price variable upon prescription

Chinese Herbal Medicine

Chinese herbal medicines used are granulated KPC herbal medicines (from Taiwan) that undergo HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) to ensure quality. All formulas are individually tailored from our herbal dispensary.

Fertility Counselling

Fertility counselling services are offered with a focus on managing the emotional and physical impact of fertility.  Fertility counselling can be provided for both individuals/ couples experiencing issues whilst undergoing both natural or assisted fertility treatment.  Issues often addressed include:

  • Preparing for fertility treatment, and making decisions about your treatment

  • Impact on relationships

  • Coping with pregnancy losses and/ or unsuccessful treatment cycles

  • Coping with emotions around other people’s pregnancies, births and children

  • Talking about how your family, friends and colleagues behave or reactions

Meredith provides fertility counselling as a private service or as part of the Better Access to Mental Health Care Plan obtained from a General Practitioner (Medicare rebates available).

Note: No new referrals for counselling are being being taken at this time.

Mindbody Counselling/ Boditalks Health Coaching

Mindbody Counselling/ Boditalks Health Coaching works with all aspects of who we are — our mind, body and energy system, recognizing how all these aspects influence each other to create the reality we want, a healhty body, mind and love for life. This method will support & motivate you to achieve your health goals so you can build a successful and fulfilling life. Developed from 25 years of clinical experience and research in working with patients with all kinds of disease and illness in their lives.

Mindbody counselling/ Boditalks Health Coaching is offered for a range of physical, emotional and mental health concerns with focus on the physical manifestations of our thinking and feelings within the body, acknowledging that the mind affects the body & the body affects the mind; interconnected parts of the whole being.

All sessions conducted via telehelath

Please note that Medicare rebates not available for Health Coaching.     



Toddlers and babies are not able to be accommodated for by staff in clinic whilst patients attend acupuncture sessions. This in the interest of all persons and patients attending the clinic as there are multiple clinic rooms. Please discuss at time of making your appointment if you require. We appreciate your understanding in providing a space that is conducive for all.

Please note, any patients with past or present contagious health conditions, further details/ assessment will be required prior to any appointments being made face to face in the clinic. If required, Telehealth appointments can be scheduled to ensure best care approach.

HICAPS (on the spot) rebates are available. If you would like to know how much your health fund will pay each visit, contact your health fund directly and quote item number 103 (initial visit) and 203 (follow up visit) to determine gap fee.


24 hours notice of cancellation must be provided otherwise full treatment/ consultation fee will be charged before any following appointments are to be made.

Only MEDICAL CERTIFICATES will be accepted, if applicable.